Being Liminal
Being Liminal
Clive Grinyer : The Future of Design Education as a Catalyst for Transformation in Business

Clive Grinyer : The Future of Design Education as a Catalyst for Transformation in Business

How do you leverage a moment of potential transformation?  How do you support fundamental change in an organisation that sees the need but doesn't know how to realise it?

In our discussion with Professor Clive Grinyer, Head of Service Design at the Royal College of Art, we challenge the notion that organisations don't want to change and discuss how design can be a crucial catalyst for business transformation. We delve into the mindset gap that executive leadership are asking for help to bridge, and how the RCA is training service designers of the future to become the catalyst for change in those organisations.

Ever wondered about the integral role of service design in strategic change? Our conversation with Clive takes you on a journey tracing the evolution of service design from product design, marketing, and customer experience. Discover how design influences human decision-making and how crucial tools like visualization, experimentation, and prototyping shape strategic changes. We emphasize how important it is for designers to have a champion to help position design further upstream in the process.

Moving towards the future of design and design education, we confront the British culture's fear of creativity and its implications for potential design leaders. We also address a growing concern - the overly production level focus of Design, and yet, the significant yet unmeasured impact they can potentially have on businesses.

Join us for a session filled with thought-provoking insights - a must-listen for anyone interested in design, leadership, and business transformation.

To find out more about the RCA and the Service Design course Clive leads:

To find out more about Clive, his experience and how to contact him:

Being Liminal
Is a podcast about the changing nature of Leadership in Business Transformation. Brian and Martin explore the mindset and skills currently missing in Business Leadership of Transformation that when present contribute to the 30% success rate of Large-Scale Business Transformation and Change.

The podcast explores Systems and Design Thinking as a necessary approach to leading through the Liminal State that is a Transformation programme. Each episode is either a research interview with a Guest Expert or a working discussion session between the hosts Martin Dowson and Brian Hoadleey as they develop the content that will form their new book: Being Liminal. This podcast is your opportunity to eavesdrop on their research and writing process.

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Brian Hoadley on LinkedIn

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Being Liminal
Being Liminal
Being Liminal is a podcast about the changing nature of Leadership in Business & Society today. Brian and Martin explore the mindsets and skills that are necessary to navigate a world that is undergoing increasing and ever-present flux, the limits organisations place on themselves by not acknowledging the liminality of change and the edges of todays systems where we find examples of how our futures could be - if we could just embrace liminal leadership.